Unity Game: XWing Fighter

Lego: XWing Fighter is a simple student game designed and programmed in the Unity3D engine. The game is a temple-run style clone, where you, the player, fly through the endless trenches of Star Destroyer Base as Poe Dameron in his Lego XWing Fighter. Your goal is to fly for as far as you can to transmit topographical data of the planet back to the resistance, all while avoiding the obstacles in the trenches. The game is 100% procedurally generated, and you will never fly through the same trench twice.

The main purpose of the game was to act as a companion game for my Stewart Platform. As you fly through the trenches, the game transmits data to an Arduino over serial ports. The microcontroller then proceeds to turn that data into servo angles using inverse kinematics, effectively mirroring the star ship’s movements in game on the motion platform.

Tools Used